Erasing His Past (2019)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Web-DL Full Movie HD
I just wasted an hour and a half with this dribble. I had no idea what the plot was supposed to be, the acting is up there with the worst I’ve seen in a while. Huge plot errors, and I didn’t end up feeling anything for the characters, good or bad. No character development at all. This page has erasing his past 2019, watch online, erasing his past 2019 free download, full movie hd.
What was Lifetime thinking green lighting such a crudely written story. A man disappears when a plane goes down. His wife finds out the money is all gone but a large policy benefits her. Of course he’s not gone. His wife It’s obvious and cliched with the worst dialog in a Lifetime movie since I can’t remember. Filmxy has Erasing His Past (2019) Online Full Movie, Erasing His Past (2019) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Michael Welch, Laurie Fortier, Mary Badham.
This was the first lifetime movie I ever watched that I felt the need to write a review. First off the daytime didn’t match up with the nighttime scenes. On a few occasions one minute it was daytime in one scene and nighttime the next scene. For example when the house was broken into it looked like nighttime and at the same time the mom was out during the break in and it was the daytime and when the Villain got shot he escaped. The ending was horrible overall not good writing with this movie. It could have been better.
Posted on: May 17th, 2020
Posted by: Bad Boy