Taxi 5 (2018)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
I was also happy to hear that the 5th part of one of my favorite movies is coming out. But as a saw the picture I was nearly crying of disappointment. What have you done with the wonderful story? This page has taxi 5 2018, watch online, taxi 5 2018 free download, full movie hd.
Who the hell are all those strange people you are trying to sell as new acts? What happened with the pour ones who are still playing in the movie now? In previous movies Gibert has looked like a silly but very brave and passionate man – now he looks like an idiot. Filmxy has Taxi 5 (2018) Online Full Movie, Taxi 5 (2018) free download HD Bluray 720p 1080p with English subtitle. Stars: Franck Gastambide, Malik Bentalha, Bernard Farcy.
And the biggest question – how, for God’s sake, could Luc Besson be a part of this odd piece of garbage? Who wrote all those endless stupid jokes for them? It’s not funny at all, it’s just weird and disgusting like laughing about handicaps. Where is the charme of Marseille, strong, brave men, beautiful french women, professionally filmed chases, story twists…? Nothing of these left, everything was substituted by cheap plastic imitation. The storyline is as straight and linear as a stick, all actions are either predestinated or boundlessly dumb… At the and I want to add – hey, Luc, I have an idea for you – what about to add a background laughing and give all the actors red clown noses and huge shoes? It would at least give a coup de grĂ¢ce to a wonderful film franchise, you have unexpectedly misused and trampled into mud.
Posted on: May 8th, 2020
Posted by: Bad Boy