Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Dent's crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its police force which is struggling to cope with Bane's plans to destroy the city.
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User 1 Review:
Heath Ledger, who is actually my father's second cousin, shines so brightly as the Joker in a film of brilliant actors, (including a wise and witty Alfred played by legendary actor Michael Caine, a frustrated Commisoner Gordon played by a second legendary actor Gary Oldman, a mysterious yet bold Batman played by Christian Bale among other great actors including Morgan Freeman), that he becomes so realistically terrifying that you almost believe his real identity to be that of the characters. Cunning and Cruel, Heath Ledger Joker outshines that of Jack Nicholson, who was also incredible. The movie itself is equally brilliant and is perhaps the greatest superhero movie of all time.
User 2 Review:
The Dark knight rises ends what can be considered one of the greatest trilogies in all cinema. On its own this is a great, long film containing some amazing action set pieces- especially vehicles but the fact remains that there are many underlying themes about human nature and mortality at play here. Christian Bale dons the batsuit one last time for Nolan but it is Tom Hardy as Bane who steals the show with his raw energy. On its own this is a must watch but when seen as a piece of a trilogy this is not to be missed. (Concludes one of the greatest series in all of cinema)
User 3 Review:
The Dark Knight Rises ends the trilogy in a lovely climax. Tom Hardy's Bane steals the show and our favorite characters return to the film to save Gotham from impending doom. Quips and dialogue are clever and memorable and we get to see the rise and fall of Bane, who is mastered as a great villain. Christian Bale's Batman deals with loss, grief and a new threat that surfaces to wipe out everything he has known to love. Some moments of the film merely required a bit more to add, but overall the film ends the trilogy how it should be.