Winter’s Tale (2014)
Free Download and Watch Online 720p/1080p Bluray Full Movie HD
I went to watch winters tale this weekend and I had so many different emotions when I watched it. First, Colin Farrell is wonderful…he’s really great in this roll as a thief but also as a man who falls in love. He really makes you believe he’s this character. Of course all the other actors and the surprise cameo all really worked well together and the best part is that you can free download the full movie.
Not gonna lie I cried a few different times in the movie, I laughed, and felt so many other things while watching. I’m also a secret hopeless romantic so this movie is great for my fellow love story lovers. Honestly I knew from the previews it was going to have a spiritual and magical story line which I really liked. It’s nice to watch films that make you think afterwards and during. So don’t go expecting to see a typical story line, because that’s not at all what you will get.
When you go see this movie which I definitely recommend, have an open mind and just appreciate what you’re watching, honestly it’s moving!
User 1 Review:
Um, Ok, What was this? Was it a drama, a love story, a possessed demon story, what? I don't know, I only saw this because A) The trailer somehow sold me on this and B) Jennifer Connelly is in it, and that is more than enough for me any day. She is very good, the whole half hour or so that she is in it, the rest of it is Colin Farrell falling in love with a dying woman and Russell Crows being possessed to take out Farrell. Not quite the romantic Valentine's Day movie I was looking for, actually not quite the movie I was looking for but, owell, to each his own I suppose. SKIP IT
Posted on: December 31st, 2014
Posted by: king